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Everything about HVAC

Everything about HVAC

Air conditioning, as a sub-field in mechanical science, refers to the processes that ultimately lead to the optimization of the internal conditions of structures. Definitely, all of us should use a suitable and standard ventilation system in order to continue life and also to prevent all kinds of diseases in the work and life environment. The use of various types of air conditioning systems has been felt more and more with the beginning of the hot and cold season so that people can experience ideal conditions for daily activities by adjusting the temperature. However, knowing the types of air conditioning systems is one of the things that is very important to choose the right option. In this article, we intend to examine the necessary matters in this regard so that you, dear ones, can choose the best option while obtaining the necessary information

Types of air conditioning systems

There are different categories for air conditioning systems, but perhaps the most general and common ones can be listed as types of air conditioning systems in terms of temperature. People should choose the most suitable device according to the environmental conditions in the residential building or the workplace, the duration of stay in these places, as well as the building’s air conditioning facilities, while paying attention to the type of use. Types of air conditioning systems according to temperature can be classified into the following types

Summer ventilation or cooling system

The heating system is used as another type of air conditioning system for cold seasons and heating all kinds of environments. The heating of the environment is done by heating systems in the following 3 ways
First method: In this method, heat is produced through hot water steam and in engine house boilers
The second method: In this method, heat is created by using hot water in gas appliances and packages, which is also widely used in most of today’s buildings
The third method: In this method, which is called electric heating ventilation, the temperature difference between the heating coil and the air is used to generate heat
Of course, in some buildings, by using the heating system on the floor of the building, heat is also transferred from the floor
Packages, boilers, furnaces are among the most famous types of heating air conditioning systems that use gas burners to produce heat and heat the building through built-in channels. Of course, except for central heating systems, heaters and fireplaces are also used for heating in some buildings. But due to more advantages and more suitable cost, most buildings prefer the use of central heating system

Heating & Cooling System

In some other systems, the performance is such that it causes cold in summer and heating in winter. Hence, they are called two season system. This case is always one of the most used types of air conditioning systems, because such devices have the ability to create cold, heat and air purification together, and it is considered an economical option. Often in industrial environments, residential buildings, the use of the two-season system is preferable due to the more reasonable costs compared to the previous two systems.
Types of chillers, including screw compression chiller, centrifugal compression chiller, scroll compression chiller, fan coil, air washer, Zent, ​​fan coil air conditioner and air conditioners that have the ability to create cooling in hot seasons and heating in cold seasons can be included in this category. Contract. In this case, the heating and cooling system either together or using a central system, do the air conditioning. Except for the residents of cold or tropical regions who only need a single-season system, other people can use the two-season system as an ideal and affordable option. It is interesting to know that the air conditioners are among the two-season systems which, by connecting to the chiller or condensing unit, using filtration and maintaining the quality of the air, it also balances the humidity and air pressure and causes cooling and heating

Important things to buy an air conditioning system

In the previous article, we examined the types of air conditioning systems according to temperature. But now we want to know what factors we should pay attention to when buying
When buying an air conditioner, we must pay attention to various factors, including the type of use of the device, budget, energy consumption (electricity, gas and water), weather conditions, installation location, etc. But now, being in the hot season, many people are trying to buy a suitable and low-consumption cooling system. In general, most of the cooling systems that work with electricity are divided into 2 categories with compressor and without compressor. Water cooler, zent device and air washer are examples of devices without odor compressor


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